Tuesday, November 16, 2010

South Beach Diet Pros & Cons - Is it For You?

Many people in recent years have praised and touted the virtues of the South Beach Diet. This diet is very popular with people who must strictly limit their carb intake.

If you are not a huge lover of carbs, and can live without them for the short term at least, then this is the diet for you. There are ready made meals and snacks that are now available for this diet program. You can also get updated copies of the book and the cookbook.

One limiting thing with this diet is the extremely low carb rules for phase one. Many people may find the South Beach Diet very difficult to stay on because low carb foods tend to rob the body of too much energy.

If you take up this diet as a whole lifestyle change and eating makeover, then this may be the diet for you. Many people can stick to this diet solely if they have to for health reasons, and must avoid carbs almost totally.

There are pros and cons to each and every diet. Some diets are more like a whole lifestyle change and often this is the way that they should be approached.

One drawback to the South Beach Diet is if you want to eat nuts, you have to actually count them. Another limiting factor is you must limit carbs for weeks on end, but slowly the diet allows you add them back a bit at a time.

There may be less restrictive diets out there that some can try. Talk to your doctor before starting any diet program and find out which may be more for your body to start on.

On the positive side, if you must choose a very restrictive and select diet for health reasons alone, then the South Beach Diet may be the one for you. The meal program, and ready made meals, drinks and snacks available make it easier to find and choose what to eat.

People who are used to low carb diets will feel much better on this diet and have more energy. They will also feel less hungry, and have gained lower cholesterol, raised their good cholesterol, and lowered their blood pressure.

Some peoples systems may or may not tolerate some diets, or meal programs. If you need to you might also consult a dietitian. Your doctor and dietitian together can work with you to find you the correct diet or lifestyle change that will suit your needs without harming your body.

Reading more information and reviews on the South Beach Diet can give you a good idea of what the diet can and can not do for you.

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