Wednesday, November 17, 2010

How to Survive the South Beach Diet Week 2

By the time you reach the South Beach Diet week 2, you will go through a curious change in body and in mind. When you eliminate sugar and bad carbs from your diet, you will feel as if you are lacking in something. This is primarily a psychological reaction. After all, if you are used to eating pasta, rice and bread in every meal, and you suddenly stop, your mind goes into a state of bewilderment. You may crave cheesy pasta and foot long subs, but your body will actually be satisfied.

The Physical and Mental Effects of South Beach Dieting

In the first South Beach Diet week 2 phase (generally a two-week period, though it can be extended) you are eating primarily vegetables, beans, lean meats and low-fat dairy. These foods will give you protein, fiber and other important nutrients. You cannot go too long without carbs or sugar, or you will eventually affect your body negatively; in a sense, starving yourself of needed grains. However, two weeks is usually enough for most people to jump into a healthier lifestyle.

The first week will be challenging, particularly if you have no diet structure in your ordinary life. If you eat until you are full and have never stopped to count calories or carbs, the first week is an initial shock to the system. Be sure to eat snacks during the day or you may drop in energy and feel light-headed. By the time the South Beach Diet week 2 comes around, you will be past the initial shock and will be learning to enjoy the food you can eat.

This is not to say that cravings for food will go away. During the first phase you are struggling to rid yourself of sugar and hunger cravings. However, the more often you walk around town and see delicious pasta meals and pizzas inviting your lips onward, you will feel the longing. Be sure to drink plenty of water, as this not only protects you against dehydration but also helps with hunger cravings.

Tips on How to Maintain the Course

If you are struggling with your food fidelity, then by all means, eliminate temptation. Do not go to the mall, or out to eat if you can eat very few items on the menu. Give away processed foods or at least hide them well for the second week. When it comes time to devise menus, do not cheat! (You would be surprised to know how many South Beachers cheat their way through this phase) Stick to approved snacks and put as many fresh veggies in your daily menu as possible.

Do not skimp on protein. (This is especially important if you are a vegetarian) Eat eggs, lean meats (or meat substitutes) and stick to the recommended portions. Eliminate fat from the menu, in meat and in dairy products. The South Beach Diet week 2 does require consistent eating, so whenever you feel yourself getting weak, it's time to quench your hunger with healthy snacks.

The South Beach Diet week 2 is naturally the hardest test to overcome. Many can breeze through the first week since it's a sort of "novelty effort" (and besides, once you shop for the week you rarely go out again!) The week two-period will probably bring increased sugar cravings. You can neutralize this craving with sugar-free desserts, like popsicles, fudge bars and sugar-free candy. Make sure the sweets are low in saturated fat, low in natural sugar (or hopefully empty) and do not have any processed ingredients like high fructose corn syrup or trans-fat (hydrogenated oil).

What to Expect at the End of the Two-Week Period

Weight loss continues in the second week and will continue to impress you all the way until the South Beach Diet phase 2, where it will slow down slightly. Energy levels will continue to improve particularly around the first part of the second week. The more you exercise, the more you increase your own energy levels. Towards the end of the South Beach Diet week 2 period, you may feel weaker and sleepier than expected. By now a lack of carbs and sugars is catching up with you. You are not meant to live on this phase of the diet, so plan on moving to phase 2 within 2-3 weeks. If you need energy to survive (and are eating at the appropriate times) choose only energy drinks that are sugar free, and make sure they have less than 75 calories (per day).

As the program ends, you may find that you eventually start to stabilize when it comes to weight loss. Good job, now prepare to lose more weight over a longer period of time in the second phase. Do not cheat! We emphasize this point, because the South Beach Diet week 2 will only work long-term if you can follow the rules short-term. If you are able to complete this challenging two-week program, then you can be more confident that you will learn portion control for the South Beach Diet phase 2. Besides, as a reward for your hard efforts you will be allowed to eat fruit, more tasty veggies and even (gasp) chocolate cake! How's that for motivation?

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